@article{oai:kawasakigakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000121, author = {髙ノ原 恭子 and Kyoko TAKANOHARA}, issue = {1}, journal = {大阪河﨑リハビリテーション大学紀要, Journal of Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University}, month = {Oct}, note = {To analyze the linguistic symptoms of progressive non-fluent aphasia, two cases were evaluated.The common linguistic symptoms in these two patients were non-fluent speech with scores on picture naming and letters comprehension being remarkably higher than those on other items on the Standard Language Test of Aphasia (SLTA). These findings might be articularly associated with the degenerative process in progressive non-fluent aphasia spreading over the frontal, temporal, and parietal lobes without involving the occipital lobes. Therefore, to analyze a patient with progressive non-fluent aphasia, it might be important to evaluate linguistic symptoms systematically using the SLTA in addition to studying brain imaging, clinical history, and everyday life attitude., 進行性非流暢性失語の言語症状について、自験例2 例を呈示し考察した。2 症例ともに病初期から発語の非流暢性が顕著であったが、標準失語症検査(SLTA)において呼称と文字の理解は良好であった。これらは病変が前頭葉・側頭葉に広がり、後頭葉は保たれるという進行性非流暢性失語の脳変性の進行過程に基づく特徴のひとつと考えられた。進行性非流暢性失語を評価する際には、SLTA などに基づく詳細な言語症状の特徴、脳画像所見、病歴や日常生活の変化を総合的にとらえることが重要と考えられた。, Review Article}, pages = {3--8}, title = {進行性非流暢性失語について}, volume = {8}, year = {2013} }