@article{oai:kawasakigakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000141, author = {髙倉 利恵 and Rie TAKAKURA}, issue = {2}, journal = {大阪河﨑リハビリテーション大学紀要, Journal of Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University}, month = {Mar}, note = {A survey of special educational teachers in regard to the role and objectives of physical therapy and physical therapist in the school for children with special needs was conducted and determined. The purpose of this study was 1)to investigate how the physical therapy services are utilized in the school for special needs, 2)to learn the difference between educational physical therapy and medical physical therapy, and 3)to consider the role of physical therapy in educatinal environment. The results indicated that implementing physical therapy in the school was appreciated and needed in teaching about movement and body structures of those children that was necessary in carrying out their independent activity class. This would also help in developing individualized educational program for each child, and improving their learning objectives. The negative aspects of having a part time physical therapy intervention in the school system is that it is erratic and having no consistency, as well as difficulty of implementing follow up and feed back. On the other hand, it is suggested that for physical therapists to be successful in the school system, learning and acknowledgment of a different role in the school based physical therapy that is different from the medical based physical therapy is necessary., 特別支援学校における外部理学療法士による巡回指導の役割と仕事についてのアンケート調査を教員対象に実施し, 検討した. このアンケート調査の目的は, 1)A支援学校において外部理学療法士による理学療法がどのように活用され機能しているのかを調査する, 2)教育現場での理学療法と医療現場での理学療法との相違について学ぶ, 3)支援学校における理学療法士の役割を考察する, の3点であった. アンケート結果から, 教員が理療法士に対して求めていることは, 自立活動を遂行するための体や動き等の専門知識の指導であり, それが児童生徒の個々に必要な指導へとつながり, 児童生徒の学習効果向上に寄与する. 外部理学療法士による指導は単発的で経時性がなく, フォローアップやフィードバックの時間をとることが難しいという欠点が明確になった. 一方, 教育現場で理学療法士が活躍し成功していくためには, 医療現場での理学療法アプローチとは違った役割を学ぶ必要性があることが示唆された.}, pages = {147--157}, title = {特別支援学校における理学療法・士の役割と仕事 : 教員アンケートから学ぶ}, volume = {8}, year = {2014} }