@article{oai:kawasakigakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000292, author = {竹内 直子 and Naoko TAKEUCHI and 綿森 葉子 and Yoko WATAMORI and 久利 彩子 and Ayako HISARI}, journal = {大阪河﨑リハビリテーション大学紀要, Journal of Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University}, month = {Mar}, note = {[Purpose]This paper proposes a method to convert the coordinates specified for the center of foot pressure (COP) measurement plate to the coordinates for which the postural sway direction of a subject is the reference axis. [Method and Result] The COP was measured during the period from the tandem open-leg standing position to the one-leg standing position on the front limb. The analysis period was 1 s immediately after the one-leg standing position began. The reference axis direction was determined by two ways. The movement direction was calculated for each observation point and converted into the direction at every 30°. The direction that was the mode was set as the direction of the reference axis, and the maximum sway range was calculated. In addition, the movement direction was classified into groups of 30° each, and the total distance traveled between the observation points was calculated for each group. The direction for which the total distance was the maximum was set as the direction of the reference axis, and the maximum sway range was calculated. For each trial, the direction of the reference axis as determined based on the mode differed from that determined based on the total distance. [Conclusion]It was possible to rotate the coordinates meaningfully about the COP. It is suggested that the degree of sway can be assessed without specifying the position of the foot on the measuring plate., 【目的】COPの測定板で規定された座標から、 被験者の動揺方向を基準軸とする座標に変換する手法を提案すること。 【方法と結果】タンデム開脚立位から前方下肢での片脚立位をとらせ、 COPを計測した. 片脚立位開始直後の1秒間を解析区間とした。 観測点間ごとに移動方向を算出し、 30°ごとの方向に変換した。 その最頻値となる方向を基準軸方向とし、 その最大動揺幅を求めた。 また、 移動方向を30°ごとのグループに分け、 グループごとに観測点間移動距離の総和を求めた。 総和が最大となった方向を基準軸方向とし、 その最大動揺幅を求めた。 頻度による基準軸も移動距離総和による基準軸も、 どちらも試行ごとにその方向は異なっていた。 【結語】人のCOPにおいて意味のある座標の回転を行うことが実現できた。 測定板に足部を置く位置を規定することなく、 動揺の程度を評価できることが示唆された。, Original Article}, pages = {9--14}, title = {立位時の足圧中心に対し動揺方向を基準軸とする座標変換の提案}, volume = {15}, year = {2021} }