@misc{oai:kawasakigakuen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000336, author = {Ryota IMAI}, month = {Dec}, note = {"Vibratory stimulation" is a form of physical therapy in which a vibratory stimulus is applied to muscles, tendons, or the whole body to reduce muscle tension and pain. This therapeutic approach is mainly used in a clinical practice setting. Notably, vibratory stimulation of tendons can produce an illusory sensation of limb movement (illusory kinesthesia). In a previous study, my research group revealed that the illusory kinesthesia induced by vibratory tendon stimulation can reduce pain in postoperative patients. This review summarizes the present knowledge regarding the illusory kinesthesia arising from vibratory tendon stimulation, and then describes the indications for the use of vibratory tendon stimulation in patients with orthopedic diseases, with a focus on my own clinical research., Review Article}, title = {The effect of illusory kinesthesia by vibratory tendon stimulation on musculoskeletal pain disorders}, year = {2021} }